Thursday, June 30, 2011

Tomasso Jeseta

My husband's paternal great grandparents are all from the small island of Brac in Croatia, all except one - Tomasso (Tomas) Jeseta (Jescheta, Yeseta) who was from Bohemia (the modern day Czech Republic).  Although the researcher I hired in Croatia to find more generations of ancestors has been successful in adding several names to the family tree, she does not do research in the Czech Republic and so was unable to help us find Tomas.

Recently, I was given the name of a researcher in the Czech Republic and I have asked him to pursue my husband's elusive ancestor.  I gave him the scant information I had, including place and date of birth, place and date of marriage, and date of death, none of which I had confirmed with any orignial sources.  These were mostly dates given to me by relatives of my husband, and since I wasn't even sure any of them were correct, I was somewhat concerned that I might hand over money for a wild goose chase.  But yesterday I received an email from the researcher, and before taking any payment, he confirmed Tomas's birth date and birth place.  So he is going forward with the research, though he says it may take a while. 

I'm hoping that soon I can report the names of several generations of relatives to my husband and his family, and hopefully some other information about these relatives, so they can finally close the big gap that has existed in the family tree for a century. 

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